path: root/.mutt/muttrc.colors
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.mutt/muttrc.colors')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.mutt/muttrc.colors b/.mutt/muttrc.colors
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c463740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.mutt/muttrc.colors
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+## Diffs
+color body green default "^diff \-.*"
+color body green default "^index [a-f0-9].*"
+color body green default "^\-\-\- .*"
+color body green default "^[\+]{3} .*"
+color body cyan default "^[\+][^\+]+.*"
+color body red default "^\-[^\-]+.*"
+color body brightblue default "^@@ .*"
+# Various smilies and the like
+color body brightwhite default "<[Gg]>" # <g>
+color body brightwhite default "<[Bb][Gg]>" # <bg>
+color body yellow default " [;:]-*[})>{(<|]" # :-) etc...
+# *bold*
+color body brightyellow default "(^|[[:space:][:punct:]])\\*[^*]+\\*([[:space:][:punct:]]|$)"
+mono body bold "(^|[[:space:][:punct:]])\\*[^*]+\\*([[:space:][:punct:]]|$)"
+# _underline_
+color body brightred default "(^|[[:space:]])"
+color sidebar_new color221 default
+# index stuff
+color tree color244 default
+color indicator color255 color233
+color index color117 color233 ~N
+color index color124 color233 ~D
+# URLs, email and web
+color body color68 color233 "(finger|ftp|http|https|news|telnet)://[^ >]*"
+color body color111 color233 "<URL:[^ ]*>"
+color body color111 color233 "www\\.[-.a-z0-9]+\\.[a-z][a-z][a-z]?([-_./~a-z0-9]+)?"
+color body color111 default "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"
+color body brightred color233 "^-.*"
+color body green color233 "^[+].*"
+color body brightwhite color233 "^diff .*"
+color body brightyellow color233 "^@@.*"
+# Misc body
+color attachment color111 default
+color signature color244 default
+# GPG
+color body color188 default "^gpg: Good signature.*"
+color body color115 color236 "^gpg: BAD signature.*"
+color body color174 color237 "^gpg: Can't check signature.*"
+color body color174 color237 "^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----"
+color body color174 color237 "^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----"
+color body color174 color237 "^-----END PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----"
+color body color174 color237 "^-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----"
+color body color174 color237 "^Version: GnuPG.*"
+color body color174 color237 "^Comment: .*"
+# Highlight TOFU protection:
+color body brightmagenta default "^\\[---.*"
+color body green default "^#v[-+]"
+# Include theme
+source "$HOME/.mutt/muttrc.theme.dracula"
nihil fit ex nihilo