path: root/.config/i3blocks/blocks/battery-plus
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/i3blocks/blocks/battery-plus')
1 files changed, 793 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/i3blocks/blocks/battery-plus b/.config/i3blocks/blocks/battery-plus
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d097f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/i3blocks/blocks/battery-plus
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# battery-plus
+# An enhanced battery status indicator for i3blocks.
+# Requires:
+# awk (POSIX compatible)
+# bc
+# upower
+# Optional:
+# fonts-font-awesome
+# notify-send or dunstify -- for notifications
+# zenity -- for dialogs
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Beau Hastings. All rights reserved.
+# License: GNU General Public License v2
+# Author: Beau Hastings <beausy@gmail.com>
+# URL: https://github.com/hastinbe/i3blocks-battery-plus
+# Hide the battery status if fully-charged,
+# Color the battery symbol using gradient.
+# Only show symbols.
+# Hide the battery percentage
+# Hide the battery time remaining
+# Hide the time to charge the battery to full
+# Show the direction of change for the battery's percentage
+# Show an alert symbol when the battery capacity drops to the given percent (0=disable).
+# Action to take when the battery level reaches critical.
+# Action to take when the battery level reaches low.
+# Method to use for notifications
+# The duration, in milliseconds, for the notification to appear on screen.
+# Minimum time in seconds between notifications to prevent spam.
+# Colors
+# Symbols
+# Get a the system's temporary files directory.
+# Notes:
+# Executes a dry-run so we don't create a file.
+# Linux doesn't require the template option, but MacOSX does.
+# Returns:
+# The path to the temporary directory.
+get_temp_dir() {
+ echo $(dirname $(mktemp -ut "battery-plus.XXX"))
+# Output text wrapped in a span element
+# Options:
+# -c <color> To specify a text color
+# Arguments:
+# $1 or $3 - String to encapsulate within a span
+span() {
+ local -A attribs
+ local text="$*"
+ if [ -n "$FONT" ]; then attribs[font]="$FONT"; fi
+ if [ "$1" = "-c" ]; then
+ attribs[color]="$2"
+ text="${*:3}"
+ fi
+ echo "<span$(build_attribs attribs)>$text</span>"
+# Builds html element attributes
+# Arguments:
+# $1 - An associative array of attribute-value pairs
+build_attribs() {
+ local -n array=$1
+ for k in "${!array[@]}"; do
+ echo -n " $k='${array[$k]}'"
+ done
+ echo
+# Interpolate between 2 RGB colors
+# Arguments:
+# $1 - Color to interpolate from, as a hex triplet prefixed with #
+# $2 - Color to interpolate to, as a hex triplet prefixed with #
+# $3 - Amount of steps needed to get from start to end color
+interpolate_rgb() {
+ local -i steps=$3
+ local -a colors
+ local color1=$1
+ local color2=$2
+ local reversed=false
+ if (( 0x${color1:1:5} > 0x${color2:1:5} )); then
+ color1=$2
+ color2=$1
+ reversed=true
+ fi
+ printf -v startR "%d" 0x${color1:1:2}
+ printf -v startG "%d" 0x${color1:3:2}
+ printf -v startB "%d" 0x${color1:5:2}
+ printf -v endR "%d" 0x${color2:1:2}
+ printf -v endG "%d" 0x${color2:3:2}
+ printf -v endB "%d" 0x${color2:5:2}
+ stepR=$(( ($endR - $startR) / $steps ))
+ stepG=$(( ($endG - $startG) / $steps ))
+ stepB=$(( ($endB - $startB) / $steps ))
+ for i in $(seq 0 $steps); do
+ local -i R=$(( $startR + ($stepR * $i) ))
+ local -i G=$(( $startG + ($stepG * $i) ))
+ local -i B=$(( $startB + ($stepB * $i) ))
+ colors+=( "$(printf "#%02x%02x%02x\n" $R $G $B)" )
+ done
+ colors+=( "$(printf "#%02x%02x%02x\n" $endR $endB $endG)" )
+ if $reversed; then
+ reverse colors colors_reversed
+ echo "${colors_reversed[@]}"
+ else
+ echo "${colors[@]}"
+ fi
+# Reverse an array
+# Arguments:
+# $1 - Array to reverse
+# $2 - Destination array
+reverse() {
+ local -n arr="$1" rev="$2"
+ for i in "${arr[@]}"
+ do
+ rev=("$i" "${rev[@]}")
+ done
+min() {
+ echo "if ($1 < $2) $1 else $2" | bc
+max() {
+ echo "if ($1 > $2) $1 else $2" | bc
+clamp() {
+ echo $(min $(max $1 $2) $3)
+# Retrieve an item from the provided lookup table based on the percentage of a number
+# Arguments:
+# $1 - A number
+# $2 - Number to get a percentage of
+# $3 - An array of potential values
+plookup() {
+ if [ -z "$2" -o -z "$3" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ local table=( ${@:3} )
+ local number2=${2%.*}
+ local number1=$(min ${1%.*} $number2)
+ local percent_max=$(( $number1 * $number2 / 100 ))
+ local index=$(( $percent_max * ${#table[@]} / 100 ))
+ index=$(clamp $index 0 $(( ${#table[@]} - 1 )) )
+ echo ${table[$index]}
+# Get battery status.
+# Returns:
+# The battery's status or state.
+get_battery_status() {
+ echo "$__UPOWER_INFO" | awk -W posix '$1 == "state:" {print $2}'
+# Get battery warning level.
+# Returns:
+# The battery's warning level.
+get_battery_warning_level() {
+ echo "$__UPOWER_INFO" | awk -W posix '$1 == "warning-level:" {print $2}'
+# Get battery percentage.
+# Returns:
+# The battery's percentage, without the %.
+get_battery_percent() {
+ echo "$__UPOWER_INFO" | awk -W posix '$1 == "percentage:" { gsub("%","",$2); print $2}'
+# Get battery capacity.
+# Returns:
+# The battery's capcity, without the %.
+get_battery_capacity() {
+ echo "$__UPOWER_INFO" | awk -W posix '$1 == "capacity:" { gsub("%","",$2); print $2}'
+# Get battery time left.
+# Returns:
+# The battery's time left.
+get_time_to_empty() {
+ echo "$__UPOWER_INFO" | awk -W posix -F':' '/time to empty:/{print $2}' | xargs
+# Get the time remaining until the battery is fully charged.
+# Returns:
+# The time remaining until battery is fully charged.
+get_time_to_full() {
+ echo "$__UPOWER_INFO" | awk -W posix -F':' '/time to full:/{print $2}' | xargs
+# Get symbol for the given battery percentage.
+# Arguments:
+# $percent (int) Battery percentage.
+# Returns:
+# The battery symbol.
+get_battery_charge_symbol() {
+ local percent="$1"
+ local symbol
+ if [ "$battery_percentage" -ge 90 ]; then symbol="$_SYMBOL_BATT_100"
+ elif [ "$battery_percentage" -ge 70 ]; then symbol="$_SYMBOL_BATT_75"
+ elif [ "$battery_percentage" -ge 40 ]; then symbol="$_SYMBOL_BATT_50"
+ elif [ "$battery_percentage" -ge 20 ]; then symbol="$_SYMBOL_BATT_25"
+ else symbol="$_SYMBOL_BATT_0"
+ fi
+ echo "$symbol"
+# Get battery status symbol.
+# Returns:
+# An symbol name, following the Symbol Naming Specification
+get_battery_status_symbol() {
+ echo "$__UPOWER_INFO" | awk -W posix '$1 == "symbol-name:" {print $2}'
+# Get color for the given battery percentage.
+# Arguments:
+# $percent (int) Battery percentage.
+# Returns:
+# The color to use for the given battery percentage.
+get_percentage_color() {
+ local colors=( $(interpolate_rgb "$_COLOR_GRADIENT_START" "$_COLOR_GRADIENT_END" 8) )
+ echo $(plookup $1 100 ${colors[@]})
+# Determines whether or not we can send a notification.
+# Returns:
+# 0 on false, 1 on true.
+can_notify() {
+ local -i now=$(date +"%s")
+ local -i last=$(get_last_notify_time)
+ if [ -z "$last" ]; then return 0; fi
+ local -i diff=$(($now - $last))
+ [ $diff -gt $_NOTIFY_THROTTLE ]
+# Get the last time we sent a notification.
+# Returns:
+# Time in seconds since the Epoch.
+get_last_notify_time() {
+ if [ -f "$TMP_NOTIFY" ]; then
+ echo $(stat -c '%Y' "$TMP_NOTIFY")
+ fi
+# Save the last time we sent a notification.
+save_last_notify_time() {
+ touch -m "$TMP_NOTIFY"
+# Display the charging indicator.
+# Returns:
+# The charging indicator.
+display_batt_charging() {
+ if [ -n "$_SYMBOL_CHARGING" ]; then
+ echo -n "$(span -c "${_COLOR_CHARGING}" "$_SYMBOL_CHARGING") "
+ fi
+ echo "$colored_battery_symbol"
+# Display the discharging indicator.
+# Returns:
+# The discharging indicator.
+display_batt_discharging() {
+ if [ -n "$_SYMBOL_DISCHARGING" ]; then
+ echo -n "$(span -c "${_COLOR_DISCHARGING}" "$_SYMBOL_DISCHARGING") "
+ fi
+ echo "$battery_charge_symbol"
+# Display the pending charge indicator.
+# Returns:
+# The pending charge indicator.
+display_batt_pending_charge() {
+ if [ -n "$_SYMBOL_PENDING" ]; then
+ echo -n "$(span -c "${_COLOR_PENDING}" "$_SYMBOL_PENDING") "
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$_SYMBOL_CHARGING" ]; then
+ echo -n "$(span -c "${_COLOR_CHARGING}" "$_SYMBOL_CHARGING") "
+ fi
+ echo "${battery_charge_symbol}"
+# Display the pending discharge indicator.
+# Returns:
+# The pending discharge indicator.
+display_batt_pending_discharge() {
+ if [ -n "$_SYMBOL_PENDING" ]; then
+ echo -n "$(span -c "${_COLOR_PENDING}" "$_SYMBOL_PENDING") "
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$_SYMBOL_DISCHARGING" ]; then
+ echo -n "$(span -c "${_COLOR_DISCHARGING}" "$_SYMBOL_DISCHARGING") "
+ fi
+ echo "$colored_battery_symbol"
+# Display the empty battery indicator.
+# Returns:
+# The empty battery indicator.
+display_batt_empty() {
+ echo "$battery_charge_symbol"
+# Display the fully charged indicator.
+# Returns:
+# The fully-charged indicator.
+display_batt_fully_charged() {
+ if [ -n "$_SYMBOL_FULLY_CHARGED" ]; then
+ echo -n "$(span -c "${_COLOR_FULLY_CHARGED}" "$_SYMBOL_FULLY_CHARGED") "
+ fi
+ echo "$battery_charge_symbol"
+# Display the unknown battery indicator.
+# Returns:
+# The unknonw battery indicator.
+display_batt_unknown() {
+ if [ -n "$_SYMBOL_UNKNOWN" ]; then
+ echo -n "$(span "$_SYMBOL_UNKNOWN") "
+ fi
+ echo "$(get_battery_charge_symbol 0)"
+# Display the battery error indicator.
+# Returns:
+# The battery error indicator.
+display_batt_error() {
+ echo "$(span -c "${_COLOR_ERROR}" "$_SYMBOL_ERROR" "$_SYMBOL_BATT_0")"
+# Display the battery percentage.
+# Returns:
+# The battery percentage, or nothing if disabled.
+display_percentage() {
+ if ! [ $_SYMBOLS_ONLY = true -o $_HIDE_PERCENTAGE = true ]; then
+ echo -n " $(span -c "${percentage_color}" "${battery_percentage:---}${_PERCENT}")"
+ if [ "$status" = "charging" ] && $_SHOW_CHARGE_DIRECTION; then
+ echo -n "$(span -c "${_COLOR_DIRECTIONAL_UP}" "${_SYMBOL_DIRECTION_UP}")"
+ elif [ "$status" = "discharging" ] && $_SHOW_CHARGE_DIRECTION; then
+ echo -n "$(span -c "${_COLOR_DIRECTIONAL_DOWN}" "${_SYMBOL_DIRECTION_DOWN}")"
+ fi
+ echo
+ fi
+# Display the battery time remaining.
+# Arguments:
+# $force (bool) Force display.
+# Returns:
+# The time remaining, or nothing if disabled.
+display_time_remaining() {
+ local force=${1:-false}
+ if [ $force = true ] || ! [ $_SYMBOLS_ONLY = true -o $_HIDE_TIME_REMAINING = true ]; then
+ time_to_empty=$(get_time_to_empty "$battery_info")
+ if [ -n "$time_to_empty" ]; then
+ echo "$time_to_empty"
+ fi
+ fi
+# Display the battery time to fully charge.
+# Arguments:
+# $force (bool) Force display.
+# Returns:
+# The time to fully charge, or nothing if disabled.
+display_time_to_full() {
+ local force=${1:-false}
+ if [ $force = true ] || ! [ $_SYMBOLS_ONLY = true -o $_HIDE_TIME_TO_FULL = true ]; then
+ time_to_full=$(get_time_to_full "$battery_info")
+ if [ -n "$time_to_full" ]; then
+ echo "$time_to_full"
+ fi
+ fi
+# Displays an array of segments.
+# Arguments:
+# $segments (array) The an array of segments.
+# Returns:
+# Each segment after another, followed by a newline.
+display_segments() {
+ local -a segments="$@"
+ for segment in "${segments[@]}"; do
+ if [ -n "$segment" ]; then
+ echo -n "$segment"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo
+# Colors text using either the first or second color
+# Arguments:
+# $1 - Text
+# $2 - Color to use if toggle is false
+# $3 - Color to use if toggle is true
+# $4 - A boolean used to toggle between colors
+# Returns:
+# The colored text
+multicolor() {
+ local color="$2"
+ local toggle=$4
+ if $toggle && [ -n "$3" ]; then
+ color="$3"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$color" ]; then
+ echo "$(span -c "$color" "$1")"
+ else
+ echo "$(span "$1")"
+ fi
+# Display a notification.
+# Arguments:
+# $text (string) The notification text.
+# $symbol (string) Name of an symbol.
+# $type (string) The type of notification.
+# $force (string) Force the notification, ignoring any throttle.
+# $rest (string) Any additional options to pass to the command.
+notify() {
+ local text="$1"
+ local symbol="$2"
+ local type="$3"
+ local force="$4"
+ local rest="${@:5}"
+ local command
+ if [ -z "$text" ] || ! $force && ! $(can_notify); then return; fi
+ if [ "$_NOTIFY_PROGRAM" = "dunstify" ]; then
+ command="dunstify -r 1001"
+ elif [ "$_NOTIFY_PROGRAM" = "notify-send" ]; then
+ command="notify-send"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$_NOTIFY_EXPIRES" ]; then command="$command -t $_NOTIFY_EXPIRES"; fi
+ if [ -n "$symbol" ]; then command="$command -i $symbol"; fi
+ if [ -n "$type" ]; then command="$command -u $type"; fi
+ command="$command $rest \"$text\""
+ if eval $command; then
+ save_last_notify_time
+ fi
+# Display a dialog.
+# Arguments:
+# $text (string) The dialog text.
+# $symbol (string) Name of an symbol.
+# $type (string) The type of dialog.
+# $rest (string) Any additional options to pass to the command.
+dialog() {
+ local text="$1"
+ local symbol="$2"
+ local type="$3"
+ local rest="${@:4}"
+ if [ -z "$text" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ command="zenity"
+ if [ -n "$symbol" ]; then command="$command --symbol-name=\"$symbol\""; fi
+ if [ -n "$type" ]; then command="$command --${type}"; fi
+ command="$command --text=\"$text\" $rest"
+ eval $command
+# Display program usage.
+usage() {
+ echo -e "Usage: $0 [options]
+Display the battery status using upower for i3blocks.\n
+ -a <none|notify>\taction to take when battery is low
+ -A <color>\t\tcolor of the alert symbol
+ -B <color>\t\tcolor of the battery symbol
+ -c <capacity>\t\tset battery capacity alert percentage (0=disable)
+ -C <color>\t\tcolor of the charging symbol
+ -d\t\t\tshow the direction of change for the battery's percentage
+ -D <color>\t\tcolor of the discharging symbol
+ -e <millseconds>\texpiration time of notifications (Ubuntu's Notify OSD and GNOME Shell both ignore this parameter.)
+ -E <color>\t\tcolor of the battery error symbol
+ -f <font>\t\tfont for text and symbols
+ -F <color>\t\tcolor of the fully-charged symbol
+ -G\t\t\tcolor the battery symbol according to battery percentage
+ -h\t\t\tdisplay this help and exit
+ -H\t\t\tsuppress displaying if battery is fully-charged
+ -i <color>\t\tcolor gradient start color
+ -I\t\t\tonly display symbols
+ -j <color>\t\tcolor gradient end color
+ -J <symbol>\t\tsymbol for a battery 100% charged
+ -k\t\t\thide the battery percentage
+ -K <symbol>\t\tsymbol for a battery 75% charged
+ -l <none|notify>\taction to take when the battery level reaches critical
+ -L <symbol>\t\tsymbol to indicate there is an alert
+ -M <symbol>\t\tsymbol for a battery 50% charged
+ -n <program>\t\ta libnotify compatible notification program
+ -N <color>\t\tcolor of the battery charge decreasing indicator
+ -O <symbol>\t\tsymbol for a battery with no/low charge
+ -p <symbol>\t\tsymbol to use for the percent sign
+ -P <color>\t\tcolor of the pending charge symbol
+ -Q <symbol>\t\tsymbol for a battery 25% charged
+ -r\t\t\thide the battery time remaining
+ -R <symbol>\t\tsymbol to indicate the battery state is undefined
+ -S <symbol>\t\tsymbol to indicate battery is fully charged
+ -t <seconds>\t\tminimum time in seconds between notifications to prevent spam
+ -T <symbol>\t\tsymbol to indicate the battery is charging
+ -u\t\t\thide the time to charge the battery to full
+ -U <color>\t\tcolor of the battery charge increasing indicator
+ -V <symbol>\t\tsymbol to indicate the battery state is unknown
+ -W <symbol>\t\tsymbol to indicate battery charge is increasing
+ -X <symbol>\t\tsymbol to indicate the battery state is pending
+ -Y <symbol>\t\tsymbol to indicate the battery is discharging
+ -Z <symbol>\t\tsymbol to indicate battery charge is decreasing
+" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+declare -a long_segments
+declare -a short_segments
+__UPOWER_INFO=$(upower --show-info "/org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_${BLOCK_INSTANCE:-BAT0}")
+while getopts "a:A:B:c:C:dD:e:E:f:F:GhHi:Ij:J:kK:l:L:M:n:N:O:p:P:Q:rR:S:t:T:uU:V:W:X:Y:Z:" o; do
+ case "$o" in
+ a) _LOW_ACTION="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ f) _FONT="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ h | *) usage ;;
+ H) _HIDE_IF_CHARGED=true ;;
+ I) _SYMBOLS_ONLY=true ;;
+ J) _SYMBOL_BATT_100="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ k) _HIDE_PERCENTAGE=true ;;
+ K) _SYMBOL_BATT_75="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ M) _SYMBOL_BATT_50="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ O) _SYMBOL_BATT_0="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ p) _PERCENT="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ Q) _SYMBOL_BATT_25="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ u) _HIDE_TIME_TO_FULL=true ;;
+ esac
+shift $((OPTIND-1)) # Shift off options and optional --
+percentage_color=$(get_percentage_color "$battery_percentage")
+battery_charge_symbol=$(get_battery_charge_symbol "$battery_percentage")
+colored_battery_symbol=$(multicolor "$battery_charge_symbol" "$_COLOR_BATTERY" "$percentage_color" $_USE_BATT_GRADIENT)
+# Handle battery warning levels
+case "$warning_level" in
+ critical)
+ case "$_CRITICAL_ACTION" in
+ notify) $(notify "$(span "Your battery level is ${warning_level}!")" "$battery_status_symbol" "critical" false "-c device") ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ low)
+ case "$_LOW_ACTION" in
+ notify) $(notify "$(span "Your battery level is ${warning_level}")" "$battery_status_symbol" "normal" false "-c device") ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+# Displayable alerts
+if [ "$_CAPACITY_ALERT" -gt 0 ] && [ "${capacity%.*}" -le $_CAPACITY_ALERT ]; then
+ long_segments+=( "$(span -c "$_COLOR_ALERT" "$_SYMBOL_ALERT") " )
+# Battery statuses
+case "$status" in
+ charging) long_segments+=( "$(display_batt_charging)" ) ;;
+ discharging) long_segments+=( "$(display_batt_discharging)" ) ;;
+ empty) long_segments+=( "$(display_batt_empty)" ) ;;
+ fully-charged)
+ if $_HIDE_IF_CHARGED; then
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ long_segments+=( "$(display_batt_fully_charged)" )
+ ;;
+ pending-charge) long_segments+=( "$(display_batt_pending_charge)" ) ;;
+ pending-discharge) long_segments+=( "$(display_batt_pending_discharge)" ) ;;
+ unknown) long_segments+=( "$(display_batt_unknown)" ) ;;
+ *) long_segments+=( "$(display_batt_error)" ) ;;
+# Since long_segments contains no text at this point, lets use it for the short_text
+short_segments=( "${long_segments[@]}" )
+# Append all text segments
+long_segments+=( "$(display_percentage)" )
+if [ -n "$(display_time_remaining)" ]; then
+ long_segments+=( "($(display_time_remaining))" )
+if [ -n "$(display_time_to_full)" ]; then
+ long_segments+=( "($(display_time_to_full))" )
+# Display the block long_text
+display_segments ${long_segments[@]}
+# Display the block short_text
+display_segments ${short_segments[@]}
+# Handle click events
+case $BLOCK_BUTTON in
+ 1)
+ if [ -n "$CAPACITY_TRIGGERED" ]; then
+ $(dialog "$(span "Your battery capacity has reduced to ${capacity%.*}${_PERCENT}!")" "battery-caution" "warning" "--no-wrap")
+ else
+ if [ "$status" = "discharging" ]; then
+ $(notify "$(span "$(display_time_remaining true) remaining")" "alarm-symbolic" "normal" true "-c device")
+ elif [ "$status" = "charging" ]; then
+ $(notify "$(span "$(display_time_to_full true) until fully charged")" "alarm-symbolic" "normal" true "-c device")
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+if [ -n "$battery_percentage" ] && [ "$battery_percentage" -le 5 ]; then
+ exit 33
nihil fit ex nihilo