{- Lazymail interaction with curses. - - Copyright 2013 Raúl Benencia - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher - - This code is in an urgent need of a big refactoring. -} module Lazymail.Screen where import Codec.MIME.Type ( MIMEValue(..) ) import Control.Monad.Trans ( liftIO ) import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char ( toUpper, isPrint ) import Data.List ( isPrefixOf ) import System.Exit import UI.NCurses -- Local imports import Codec.Text.Rfc1342 import Lazymail.Config import qualified Lazymail.Handlers as EH import Lazymail.Keymap ( findHandler ) import Lazymail.Maildir import Lazymail.Email ( lookupField, getBody, getHeaders, lookupField' ) import Lazymail.Print import Lazymail.State import Lazymail.Types import Lazymail.Utils ( newDialogWindow, liftCurses , drawCroppedString, drawNotification ) {- This function is the nexus between Curses and IO -} entryPoint :: Lazymail () entryPoint = do st <- get cfg <- ask maildirs <- liftIO $ do mds <- getMaildirsRecursively $ basePath st (filterMaildirsHook cfg) mds formattedMDs <- EH.formatMaildirModeRows st maildirs let mdState = (maildirState st) { detectedMDs = formattedMDs } liftIO $ runCurses $ runStateT (runReaderT startCurses cfg) (st { maildirState = mdState }) return () {- Initial point of screen related functions. Get the number of rows, - colors, and start drawing the modes -} startCurses :: LazymailCurses () startCurses = do st <- get cfg <- ask (=<<) put $ liftCurses $ do setEcho False setCursorMode CursorInvisible w <- defaultWindow (rows, cols) <- screenSize basColID <- newColorID (fst . baseColor $ cfg) (snd . baseColor $ cfg) 1 selColID <- newColorID (fst . selectionColor $ cfg) (snd . selectionColor $ cfg) 2 staColID <- newColorID (fst . statusBarColor $ cfg) (snd . statusBarColor $ cfg) 3 heaColID <- newColorID (fst . headerColor $ cfg) (snd . headerColor $ cfg) 4 newColID <- newColorID (fst . newEmailColor $ cfg) (snd . newEmailColor $ cfg) 5 let style = ColorStyle basColID selColID staColID heaColID newColID return $ st { screenRows = fromIntegral $ rows - 1 , screenColumns = fromIntegral $ cols , colorStyle = style } resetScrollBuffer screenLoop {- This function will loop til the user decides to leave -} screenLoop :: LazymailCurses () screenLoop = do w <- liftCurses $ defaultWindow cfg <- ask get >>= \st -> (liftCurses . (updateWindow w) $ runStateT (runReaderT performUpdate cfg) st) >>= put . snd liftCurses $ render st <- get if (inputRequested . inputState $ st) then handleInputRequest else handleEvent get >>= \st -> if (not . exitRequested) st then screenLoop else return () {- Perform the screen update, by cleaning it first. -} performUpdate :: LazymailUpdate LazymailState performUpdate = do st <- get liftUpdate $ clearMain (scrRowsAsInteger st) (screenColumns st) drawMode (mode st) drawStatus get {- Pattern match on the received mode and draw it in the screen. -} drawMode :: Mode -> LazymailUpdate () drawMode MaildirMode = get >>= \st -> drawSelectionList $ scrollBufferMD . maildirState $ st drawMode IndexMode = get >>= \st -> drawSelectionList $ scrollBufferIn . indexState $ st drawMode EmailMode = drawEmailHelper drawMode ComposeMode = drawComposeModeHelper {- Draw a scrollable selection list -} drawSelectionList [] = resetCurrentRow drawSelectionList ((path, str):mds) = do st <- get (=<<) put $ liftUpdate $ do moveCursor (curRowAsInteger st) (colPadAsInteger st) if (selectedRow st == currentRow st) then do setColor $ selectionColorID . colorStyle $ st drawString $ normalizeLen (screenColumns st) str setColor $ baseColorID . colorStyle $ st case (mode st) of MaildirMode -> do let mst = (maildirState st) { selectedMD = path } return $ st { maildirState = mst } IndexMode -> do let ist = (indexState st) { selectedEmailPath = path } return $ st { indexState = ist } else do drawSimpleRow st path str return st st <- get let limit = if statusBar st then (screenRows st) - 1 else screenRows st if currentRow st < limit then do incrementCurrentRow drawSelectionList mds else resetCurrentRow drawSimpleRow st path str | (mode st) == MaildirMode = drawString $ normalizeLen (screenColumns st) str | (mode st) == IndexMode = if isNew path then do setColor $ newEmailColorID . colorStyle $ st drawCroppedString st str setColor $ baseColorID . colorStyle $ st else drawCroppedString st str {- Empty the whole window. Useful when changing modes. -} clearMain rows columns = do drawEmptyLine 0 moveCursor 0 0 where drawEmptyLine currentRow = do moveCursor currentRow 0 drawString $ replicate (columns) ' ' when (currentRow < rows - 1) $ drawEmptyLine $ currentRow + 1 {- Helper function of drawMode -} drawEmailHelper = do drawEmailHeaders st <- get let est = emailState st put $ st { emailState = est { bodyStartRow = (currentRow st ) } } let body = getBody $ currentEmail . emailState $ st let maxRows = if statusBar st then (scrRowsAsInteger st) - 1 else scrRowsAsInteger st liftUpdate $ drawBody (curRowAsInteger st) (colPadAsInteger st) maxRows $ drop (scrollRowEm est) $ emailLines est resetCurrentRow {- Draw the email headers -} drawEmailHeaders = do st <- get cfg <- ask let hs = getHeaders $ currentEmail . emailState $ st let parsedHeaders = parseHeaders hs 0 $ headersToShow cfg liftUpdate $ do setColor $ headerColorID . colorStyle $ st drawHeaders st (curRowAsInteger st) parsedHeaders setColor $ baseColorID . colorStyle $ st put $ st { currentRow = 1 + (length parsedHeaders) + (currentRow st) } where parseHeaders _ _ [] = [] parseHeaders headers row (h:hs)= do let field = lookupField' h headers case field of Nothing -> parseHeaders headers row hs Just f -> let p = capitalize h ++ ": " ++ (ppField f) in p:parseHeaders headers (row + 1) hs capitalize str = (toUpper . head $ str):(tail str) drawHeaders _ _ [] = return () drawHeaders st row (h:hs) = do moveCursor row (colPadAsInteger st) drawCroppedString st h drawHeaders st (row + 1) hs {- Draw the email body -} drawBody _ _ _ [] = return () drawBody row col maxRows (xs:xss) = do moveCursor row col drawString xs when (row < maxRows) $ drawBody (row + 1) col maxRows xss {- Draw the current Compose mode fields -} drawComposeModeHelper = do st <- get let cs = composeState st let row = curRowAsInteger st let col = colPadAsInteger st let maxRows = if statusBar st then (scrRowsAsInteger st) - 1 else scrRowsAsInteger st liftUpdate $ do drawComposeModeFields st row col maxRows $ ppComposeState cs moveCursor (maxRows - 1) col where drawComposeModeFields _ _ _ _ [] = return () drawComposeModeFields st row col maxRows (f:fs) = do moveCursor row col drawCroppedString st f when (row < maxRows) $ drawComposeModeFields st (row + 1) col maxRows fs {- Draw a status line with the current mode and other stuff -} drawStatus = do st <- get liftUpdate $ do moveCursor (scrRowsAsInteger st) 0 setColor $ statusBarColorID . colorStyle $ st drawString $ normalizeLen (screenColumns st - 1)$ concat $ drawStatusHelper (mode st) st -- Can't write in the last char - ncurses bug setColor $ baseColorID . colorStyle $ st {- Status bar string for Maildir mode -} drawStatusHelper MaildirMode st = ["Maildir listing - " , "(", show ((selectedRow st) + (scrollRowMD . maildirState $ st) + 1), "/" , show (length $ detectedMDs . maildirState $ st), ")"] {- Status bar string for Index mode -} drawStatusHelper IndexMode st = ["mode: Index - " , "(", show ((selectedRow st) + (scrollRowIn . indexState $ st) + 1), "/" , show (currentInLen . indexState $ st), ")"] {- Status bar string for Email mode -} drawStatusHelper EmailMode st = ["mode: Email"] {- Status bar string for Compose mode -} drawStatusHelper ComposeMode st = ["mode: Compose"] {- Handle an event -} handleEvent :: LazymailCurses () handleEvent = loop where loop = do st <- get cfg <- ask w <- liftCurses $ defaultWindow ev <- liftCurses $ getEvent w Nothing case ev of Nothing -> loop Just ev' -> case findHandler st cfg ev' of Nothing -> loop Just handler -> handler {- Reset the current row to the beginning -} resetCurrentRow = (=<<) put $ get >>= \st -> return $ st { currentRow = 0 } {- Advance the current row. Useful when drawing modes -} incrementCurrentRow = (=<<) put $ get >>= \st -> return $ st { currentRow = (currentRow st) + 1 } {- Put the scroll at the top -} resetScrollBuffer = do st <- get case (mode st) of MaildirMode -> do let mst = (maildirState st) { scrollBufferMD = EH.scrollCrop 0 (screenRows st) $ detectedMDs . maildirState $ st } put st { maildirState = mst} IndexMode -> do let ist = (indexState st) { scrollBufferIn = EH.formatIndexModeRows st $ EH.scrollCrop 0 (screenRows st) $ selectedEmails . indexState $ st } put st { indexState = ist } liftUpdate = lift . lift -- Input handling functions -- handleInputRequest :: LazymailCurses () handleInputRequest = do st <- get let is = inputState st (_, cols, w) <- liftCurses $ newDialogWindow st getLineFromWindow w $ fromIntegral cols liftCurses $ closeWindow w getLineFromWindow :: Window -> Int -> LazymailCurses () getLineFromWindow w cols = do st <- get let is = inputState st liftCurses $ do updateWindow w $ do cleanLine moveCursor 1 1 drawString $ (maybe "" id $ prompt is) ++ (currentInput is) render loopForEvents w st <- get when (inputRequested . inputState $ st) $ getLineFromWindow w cols where cleanLine = moveCursor 1 1 >> (drawString $ replicate (cols - 2) ' ') loopForEvents w = do st <- get let is = inputState st let ci = currentInput is let pr = maybe "" id $ prompt is ev <- liftCurses $ getEvent w Nothing case ev of Nothing -> loopForEvents w Just ev' -> case ev' of EventCharacter '\n' -> do postInputActions is st' <- get put $ st' { inputState = (is { inputRequested = False}) } EventCharacter c | isPrint c -> do let ci' = if length ci == cols - (length pr) - 2 then ci else ci ++ [c] put $ st { inputState = (is { currentInput = ci' }) } EventSpecialKey KeyBackspace -> do let ci' = if null ci then ci else init ci put $ st { inputState = (is { currentInput = ci' } ) } _ -> loopForEvents w