;; Elpa packages: org-pomodoro (use-package org-pomodoro :ensure t :commands (org-pomodoro) :hook (org-pomodoro-started . (lambda () (notifications-notify :title "Pomodoro" :body "Let's focus for 25 minutes!" :app-icon "~/.emacs.d/img/001-food-and-restaurant.png"))) (org-pomodoro-finished . (lambda () (notifications-notify :title "Pomodoro" :body "Well done! Take a break." :app-icon "~/.emacs.d/img/004-beer.png"))) :config (setq org-pomodoro-length 25) (setq org-pomodoro-short-break-length 5) (setq org-pomodoro-long-break-length 15) (setq org-pomodoro-play-sounds nil)) (defun my/org-pomodoro-text-time () "Return status info about org-pomodoro and if org-pomodoro is not running, try to print info about org-clock. If either org-pomodoro or org-clock aren't active, print \"No Active Task \" " (interactive) (cond ((equal :none org-pomodoro-state) (if (org-clock-is-active) (format "Clocked task: %d minutes - %s" (org-clock-get-clocked-time) (substring-no-properties org-clock-heading)) "No Active task")) ((equal :pomodoro org-pomodoro-state) (format "%d - Pomodoro: %d minutes - %s" org-pomodoro-count (/ (org-pomodoro-remaining-seconds) 60) (substring-no-properties org-clock-heading))) ((equal :short-break org-pomodoro-state) "Short Break") ((equal :long-break org-pomodoro-state) "Long Break")))