;;;; `dictionary' (setq dictionary-server "dict.org" dictionary-default-popup-strategy "lev" dictionary-create-buttons nil dictionary-use-single-buffer t) (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c d") #'dictionary-lookup-definition) (use-package denote :ensure t :hook (dired-mode . denote-dired-mode) :bind (("C-c n n" . denote) ("C-c n r" . denote-rename-file) ("C-c n l" . denote-link) ("C-c n b" . denote-backlinks)) :config (denote-rename-buffer-mode 1) (setq denote-infer-keywords t) (setq denote-sort-keywords t) (setq denote-file-type 'org) (setq denote-excluded-directories-regexp nil) (setq denote-allow-multi-word-keywords nil) (setq denote-link-fontify-backlinks t) (setq denote-rename-no-confirm t) (let ((map global-map)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c n j") #'rul/denote-journal) (define-key map (kbd "C-c n n") #'denote) (define-key map (kbd "C-c n f") #'denote-open-or-create) (define-key map (kbd "C-c n i") #'denote-link) (define-key map (kbd "C-c n r") #'denote-rename-file) ) ) (defun rul/denote-journal () "Create an entry tagged 'journal' with the date as its title. If a journal for the current day exists, visit it. If multiple entries exist, prompt with completion for a choice between them. Else create a new file." (interactive) (let* ((today (format-time-string "%A %e %B %Y")) (string (denote-sluggify today "title")) (files (denote-directory-files-matching-regexp string))) (cond ((> (length files) 1) (find-file (completing-read "Select file: " files nil :require-match))) (files (find-file (car files))) (t (denote today '("journal")))))) ;; auto-fill mode (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill) ;; Flycheck (use-package flycheck :ensure t :config (flycheck-define-checker proselint "A linter for prose." :command ("proselint" source-inplace) :error-patterns ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": " (id (one-or-more (not (any " ")))) (message) line-end)) :modes (text-mode markdown-mode gfm-mode org-mode)) (add-to-list 'flycheck-checkers 'proselint) ;; TODO: docker run --rm -p 8010:8010 erikvl87/languagetool (use-package flycheck-languagetool :ensure t :hook (message-mode . flycheck-languagetool-setup) :init (setq flycheck-languagetool-url "http://localhost:8010") )) ;; Flyspell (defcustom flyspell-delayed-commands nil "List of commands that are \"delayed\" for Flyspell mode. After these commands, Flyspell checking is delayed for a short time, whose length is specified by `flyspell-delay'." :group 'flyspell :type '(repeat (symbol))) (setq ispell-dictionary "en") (setq flyspell-default-dictionary "en") (setq flyspell-issue-welcome-flag nil) (setq-default ispell-list-command "list") (provide 'rul-write)